The Ultimate Guide to Jewelry Care: Cleaning Do's and Don'ts


Adorning yourself with jewelry brings elegance and meaning to your life. Be it a family heirloom or a personal purchase like an engagement ring, proper care is crucial for its long-lasting beauty.


Continue reading to learn the essential dos and don'ts of jewelry care, including cleaning techniques, recommended agents, and tools for various jewelry types.

Understanding the Basics of Jewelry Care

Regardless of its material, jewelry is susceptible to damage from exposure to elements like moisture, chemicals, and even air. Regular maintenance is key to preserving its luster and preventing tarnish or corrosion.

Dos of Jewelry Cleaning

Here are some of the tips you must follow while cleaning your jewelry:

Regular Cleaning Routine

Establishing a regular cleaning routine is essential for maintaining the brilliance of your jewelry. Aim for a weekly cleaning session to prevent the buildup of grime and dirt.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Agents

Different types of jewelry require different cleaning agents. For example, mild, soapy water suits most gemstones, while a specialized silver cleaner may be needed for sterling silver pieces. Always refer to the manufacturer's recommendations for the best results.

Soft Brushes and Cloths

To avoid scratches use soft brushes and cloths for cleaning. A toothbrush with soft bristles is effective for intricate designs and hard-to-reach areas. Microfiber cloths are ideal for gently wiping away residues.

Separate Your Jewelry

Avoid tangling and scratches by storing your jewelry separately. Consider using individual pouches or compartments in a jewelry box to keep pieces from coming into contact with each other.

Don'ts of Jewelry Cleaning

Here are some of the don’ts of jewelry cleaning:

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Harsh chemicals, including bleach and ammonia, can damage delicate gemstones and metals. Steer clear of these substances and opt for milder, jewelry-specific cleaning solutions.

Say No to Ultrasonic Cleaners for All

While ultrasonic cleaners are effective for some jewelry, they can damage others. Avoid using them for fragile gems, pearls, or pieces with glued settings, as the vibrations may cause them to loosen.

Keep Jewelry Away from Chlorine

Chlorine, commonly found in swimming pools and cleaning products, can corrode metals like gold and damage certain gemstones. Remove your jewelry before swimming or engaging in activities involving chlorine exposure.

Cleaning Techniques for Different Types of Jewelry

Follow these techniques while cleaning your jewelry next time:

Diamonds and Gemstones

Soak diamonds and most gemstones in a gentle degreasing solution with mild soap and warm water. Gently scrub with a soft brush, ensuring you reach the underside of the stones. Rinse and pat dry with a soft cloth.

Gold Jewelry

A mixture of mild dish soap and warm water works well for gold jewelry. Soak the pieces, gently scrub with a soft brush, and rinse thoroughly. Polish with a soft cloth to restore the shine.

Silver Jewelry

Silver jewelry requires special attention due to its tendency to tarnish. Use a silver polishing cloth or a mild silver cleaner to remove tarnish. Be cautious with silver-plated items, as excessive polishing can wear off the plating.




As radiant as the day you first laid eyes on it, your jewelry deserves the utmost care. By embracing these cleaning dos and avoiding the don'ts, you can safeguard its brilliance and sentimental value. For exquisite pieces that stand the test of time, explore the timeless collections at Alexander Zachary Jewelers, where every jewel tells a story. Contact us today!